Summer Solidarity 2010 - go to the discovering of archaeology

  • Published: Sunday, 27 June 2010 10:20
  • Written by ArkeoTopia translated by Rupert Salmon
  • Hits: 1034
  • PDF

ArkeoTopia and ARAM are committed to the Été Solidaire 2010 (Summer Solidarity) event. Organized by the Maison des Associations along with the Town Hall of the 7th arrondissement and its associations, Summer Solidarity is an opportunity to participate in various unique activities. Join us for a discovery of archaeology like no other..

Archaeology for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Sunday June 27, 2010 from 14h to 20h

ArkeoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology and the Association Régionale des Aveugles et Malvoyants de Paris et d’Île-de-France (Regional Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Paris and Île-de-France) are pleased to present an Archaeological Meeting on the theme of Archaeology for the Blind and Visually Impaired at the Maison des Associations in the 7th arrondissement. As part of Summer Solidarity, you can decipher the hidden side of the past by learning how an archaeological excavation site works with the help of models for a visual and tactile approach of the different aspects of elements encountered by the archaeologist.

Gransard-Desmond, archaeologistDestruction of an enclosureJean-Olivier Gransard-Desmond (PhD in Archaeology and President of ArkeoTopia) will be your guide to help young and old alike discover how an archaeological dig is conducted using the Archaeoville teaching pack provided by the Departmental Archaeological Service of Yvelines. The high point of this trip through the world of archaeologists is a dive into an imaginary Gallo-Roman archaeological site to "dig out" different layers and uncover walls, pits, trenches ... in order to analyze them and interpret their history. Come and formulate hypotheses to understand the researcher's approach.

Jean-Christian Poutiers, archaeologistThen let yourself be guided by Jean-Christian Poutiers (PhD in history and archaeology, President of ARAM) to discover the archaeology of buildings. Using the model of a site in Rémilly-sur-Lozon (Manche) that he created after having excavated and studied the site, you will use a tactile approach to discover a 16th century building and guess its functions and architectural elements. This meeting will be an opportunity to listen to Jean-Christian Poutiers describe the history of the site. He will also tell the story of the participation in 2006 of a team of deaf, visually impaired and deaf-blind people who drew up the plans and elevations of buildings of the site dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries.A tactile model of an architecture by ARAM

In the course of this day, space will also be reserved for ArkeoTopia's ArkaeoSources where a member of the association will be at your disposal to present the collection of books, periodicals, DVDs and other resources. Like the association, ArkaeSources is of equal appeal to the youngest as to the oldest, to both the novice and the specialist. At the same time, children will be able to play various games that will introduce them to ancient Egypt and Greece, with Sophie Bugnon, ArkeoTopia's science ambassador.

Another space will be at your disposal for information about the two associations and their activities. Members of ARAM and ArkeoTopia will answer all your questions.

 visually handicapped logoThe event is accessible to the visually handicapped, with an introduction for the visually impaired to another way of "seeing".
Individuals with visual impairments will be welcomed and guided.

Meeting place

Meet us at the
Maison des Associations du 7ème
4 rue Amélie 75007 Paris
M° La Tour Maubourg or Invalides

Prepare your participation

To prepare your participation, do not hesitate to explore:

  • The voluntary archaeological excavations around the world on the site of Volunteer Forever (a well made guide to which we bring an important correction : the archaeologist does not only explore the ground. He is interested in all the vestiges that have survived over time, whether they are buildings still in use or documents transmitted from generation to generation such as illuminated manuscripts for example),
  • Les Online videos come from Google about official excavations,
  • The site of the French Ministry of Culture to discover the different actors of research, teaching and the valorization of archaeology in France,
  • The site entitled Les grands sites archéologiques produced by the Department of Higher Education, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Culture which links to resources on French and foreign sites along with many games for children.

Discover also the other free, fun and cultural activities for all for the 2010 Summer Solidarity event on the website of the Town Hall of the 7th district.

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