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  • Last Updated: Wednesday, 21 July 2021 16:33
  • Published: Saturday, 22 August 2009 15:21
  • Hits: 1606
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  • 22 Aug

The media are talking about us in the press, on television, on the radio and on the Internet. Take a look at some of the highlights for ArkeoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology.

The archaeologist PlaymobilJuliette Desmonceaux, "Comment les Playmobil font découvrir l’archéologie aux enfants" (How Playmobil makes children discover archaeology), 20 Minutes, 14 June 2019.
"According to the archaeologist, children's passion for this scientific activity is also linked to the imagination of youngers and their appetite for fantastic stories. "There is often a mythological dimension to archaeology that children really enjoy. As with Playmobil, they like to tell stories," he says.
Copy of the reportDuring the national event La Nuit de la Lecture 2020 organised by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, ArkeoTopia, another way for Archaeology and the Gabriel Fauré Conservatoire of Saint-Arnoult en Yvelines joined forces in order to organise a meeting between the public and the actors as well as the team of Fairies against facts, from the reading to the theatre fictorial on Saturday 18 January 2020. See these images in the report of the municipal councillor Patrice Canal in The Bulletin Vivre à Longvilliers of January 2020 on this uncommon film adventure.
A beautiful adventure for these young persons, some of whom already know the book like Maëlys, who had liked “the original writing and the presence of real elements”.
Patrice Canal
La Classe coverMeet the archaeological universe of The World of Augustin in the 302d edition of the magazine La Classe from October 2019, a magazine aiming at primary school teachers, and a video presentation of ArkeoTopia’s editions on “educational resources on archaeology”. On the occasion of the À l’Eure du livre trade show organised by Hélène Blanc on Saturday, 5 October 2019, the journalist Olivier Bohin from the Écho Républicain interviewed Christiane Angibous-Esnault about the archaeological adventures of Augustin’s gang.

Scan of the interviewWith her books mixing adventure and archaeology, Christiane Angibous-Esnault knows how to captivate the younger generation. She is one of the noteworthy authors of À l’Eure du livre, Saturday 5, October.
Olivier Bohin
The article of the Rochefort-en-Yvelines town hall websiteIrène Ivancic, "Tournage d'un court-métrage à la bibliothèque : L'archéologie au service de la lecture” (Shooting of a short film in the library: Archaeology at the service of reading), Rochefort-en-Yvelines town hall website, february 2019: “Through this particular film, aside from promoting reading, ArkeoTopia therefore intends to provide a better understanding of the scientific approach via archaeology. This short film being destined to be put on the Internet copyright-free, everyone will be able to enjoy it and it will be freely available to the players in education.” Histoire d'en Lire website captureIsabelle Durdan, review of My Archaeology Book 5-8 years old and My Archaeology Book 8-14 years old, Histoire d'en Lire. Les fictions historiques pour la jeunesse (Historical Fictions for Young People), February 2019.

About My Archaeology Book 5-8 years old, Isabelle Duran writes:
Thanks to its light tone and the characters Alex and Lisa, the reader becomes very quickly a player as one puts themselves in the shoes of an archaeologist. Astounding discoveries are yours! There is nothing better than that to kindle the desire to discover for oneself, to go into the research in depth through other suitable sources (books, documentaries, albums related to the same topic) in order to learn more about history."

About My Archaeology Book 5-8 years old, Isabelle Duran concludes:

This is a unique book, made very real by archaeology specialists, it is playful, and arouses children’s interest in this rewarding occupation.
See the pictureGilles Mainvis, “Le salon du livre a trouvé son public" (the book fair has found its public), L'Éclair 128, October 2018, p. 13.
"There were a lot of families who came to stock up on books to spend a cozy autumn. Thus, Elodie and Elisa, two 10 year-old sisters will share Panique au château, Le secret de la carte postale, Tina et Jeanne de Mortepaille.”
Antony Reiss, La quête de l’Aventure (the Aventure quest), Entre Terre et Mer TV show from the Caledonia channel, 2018.
TV show dedicated to the Mission Aventure with the presentation of Fortune de Mer Calédoniennes and ArkeoTopia’s work, associations specialised in archaeological excavations, who went to explore the wreck of the Adventure and the surrounding area. The Entre Terre et Mer team was able to follow them to better understand their methods and the story of the shipwreck.
Scan of the paperCharlie Réné, "Des objets, des pistes et des histoires pour retracer le naufrage de l'Aventure" (Objects, leads and stories to trace the Adventure sinking), Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes (the Caledonian news), Saturday 4 August 2018, p.9.
Caroline Antic-Martin and Claude Lindor’s report, Les secrets de l'Aventure de 1855 dévoilés aux Kuniés (The 1855 Aventure secrets unveiled to the Kunie people), La 1ère channel, 3 August 2018 TV-news.
Scan of the paperCharlie Réné À terre, en mer, et dans les mémoires : sur les traces du naufrage de l'Aventure" (On the Ground, at Sea and in Memories: on the Trail of the Aventure shipwreck), Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes, Friday 13 July 2018, p. 12 Gilles Mainvis, "L'archéologie révélée aux enfants à l'occasion du Salon du Livre" (Archaeology explained to Children on the Occasion of the Book Fair), L'Éclair 126, culture section, July-August 2018, p. 14
Scan of the paper A book full of suspense, friendship but also learning through a vocabulary hunt, as well as the possibility to find out what is real and what is not thanks to the last pages of the book.
Gilles Mainvis
Scan of the paperKarine Payen, "L'épave de l'Aventure bientôt explorée au nord de Kunié" (The wreck of the Aventure soon explored in the North of Kunié), Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes, Saturday 26 May 2018, p. 21. S. C., "Claire Combettes : vulgariser l’archéologie", (Claire Combettes: popularising archaeology) Le Ploërmelais, 13 février 2017.
Scan of the interviewTo achieve her goal, the woman from Finistère will be able to rely on the support of the Parisian association ArkeoTopia, which will fund the Breton development of the project. “It is a great chance for me. I do not have to worry about the buying of premises for example or other steps related to business creation. Without this support, I would not have thrown myself into the adventure alone, I am sure of that”, she outspokenly confesses.
S. C.
scan of the paper M Le Monde Magazine Guillemette Faure, "J'y étais : Au pays des Wikis" (I was there, In the Land of the Wikis), M, le magazine du Monde, 27 August 2016, p. 24 — about the 2016 French wikiconvention.
“What interests me is women in archaeology, an archaeologist says. Jeanne Dieulafoy has a page because she got the Legion of Honor, but the other ones..." It is the limit of participatory encyclopaedia: Wikipedia reflects the world of those who write it. Yet, only 20% of the contributors are female."
Social Good Week, "Retour sur la remise des prix Wiki Loves Monuments" (Wiki loves Monuments award ceremony review), 6 December 2016.
Awards ceremony of WLM 2016 in France with ArkéoTopiaThis year, the award ceremony has a particular taste. In his opening speech, Jean-Olivier Gransard-Desmons, the jury president, archaeologist and ArkéoTopia president announces that the sixth year of the Wiki Loves Monuments contest may be the last. The reason why? The law of 7 July 2016 Related to the Freedom of Creation, Archaeology and Heritage: “A Hard Blow for French Heritage and the French Participation in the Wiki Loves Monuments Contest.
Social Good Week journalist - photo from Thesupermat
scan of the paper in Arkéo Junior"Cahier d'activités" (Activity book), Arkéo 236, January 2016, p. 2. Naly Gérard, "Ces associations éprises de nos bastides" (theses associations captivated by our bastides), La Vie, 5 September 2016, p. 75.
"This exchange is not frequent, professional researchers not being enough interested in non-professional works, as Jean-Olivier Gransard-Desmond, self-employed archaeologist and president of ArkeoTopia (, which forges links between “professionals” and “non-professionals”, laments. “This collaboration should be a pillar of heritage preservation,” he claims. “We should follow Great Britain's example and its community archaeology, where volunteers and archaeologists by trade constantly discuss with each other. If professionals were the only ones in charge of heritage, it would be the end of archaeology..."
Naly Gérard
CNRS hebdo about My Archaeology Book "Ouvrage jeune public : Mon cahier d'archéologie" (Publication for young readers : My Archaeology Book), CNRS Hebdo Rhône Auvergne, To be discovered section, 29 October 2015.

Claude Tran, "L’archéologie pour les chercheurs ...Et les enfants chercheurs" (Archaeology for researchers... And kids researchers), Educavox - Interview from 4 September 2014, online on
Read the paper about ArkeoTopia in Histoire Antique
Histoire Antique 40, Nov/Dec 2008, p. 12.
Download the article by clicking on the link
Arkéo Junior 2012 sur le Collège Gabriel Fauré"Des collégiens dans les pas des Celtes" (Secondary school pupils in the footsteps of the Celts), Arkéo Junior 199, letters to the editor, September 2012.
Presentation of the project on Ireland (archaeology seminar in English, visit of the expo Gaulois, an amazing exhibit in la Villette and language study holiday in Dublin) made with the year 8 class of the secondary school Gabriel Fauté of Paris thanks to its English teacher Ms Nabila Souaber. To see a report in pictures of that wonderful experience, go to the blog
ArkeoTopia into the magazine Les Dossiers d'archéologieLes Dossiers d'Archéologie 330, Nov/Dec 2008, p. 142.
Download the article by clicking on the link
ArkeoTopia into the 7 à vous magazine7 à Vous 20, November 2008, p. 12.
The 7th has opened its columns to the presentation of associations of its quarter, of which ArkeoTopia is one.
Download the article by clicking on the link.
  ArkeoTopia into Paris-Cadecs newspaperLa lettre de Paris Cadecs, Nov/Dec 2008, "Entretien avec Jean-Olivier Gransard-Desmond, Président de l’association ArkéoTopia, une autre voie pour l’archéologie" (Interview with Jean-Olivier Gransard-Desmond, President of the association ArkeoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology), p. 1-3.
CADECS is the Coordination of Economic, Cultural and Social Development Associations of Paris. Interview conducted by Matthieu Puttemans with our president. For those who would like to try to understand even more the object of ArkeoTopia and its position, this text can shed new light.
Download the article by clicking on the link
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